All the latest news from Quadratech Diagnostics. If you would like to receive updates via our newsletter then please sign up here.
CE Marked Covid-19 Antigen Rapid Test In Stock & Available To Buy
We have stock of a German manufactured CE Marked Covid-19 Antigen Nasal Swab Rapid Test. This test is for professional use only.
Coronavirus Antibodies & Antigens – Now Available
We are now offering a substantial panel of human coronavirus antigens and antibodies. We are also able to offer Canine and Feline Antibodies and Antigens, and more products are in the pipeline.
CE Marked Covid-19 IgM/IgG Antibody Rapid Test In Stock & Available To Buy
We have stock of a CE Marked Covid-19 IgM/IgG Antibody Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma Rapid Test. This test is for professional use only.
FineTest® Elisa Kits – New!
Complete and ready-to-use ELISA Kits with high specificity and sensitivity. Haemostasis range now available online.
Calibrators and Controls
Conform to UKAS Accreditation with Third Party controls for D-Dimer, anticoagulant assays including DOACs, thrombophilia assays and factor assays.
Quadratech Diagnostics Brexit Planning
An overview of our position on Brexit and what we are doing to ensure the impact on our customers is minimised as much as possible.
ROX FIX Chromogenic Assay
For determination of Factor IX (FIX) activity in plasma and FIX containing concentrates. Manufactured by Rossix AB.
Remove DOACs From Plasma Specimens
For Removal of DOACs From Plasma Specimens. Manufactured by 5-Diagnostics.
Competitive reversible serine proteinases inhibitor (from bovine lung tissue). Manufactured by 5-Diagnostics.
5D Protein Stabilizer
For improved protein activity, shelf life, stability, cell attachment and more. Manufactured by 5-Diagnostics.
Forthcoming Meeting: Microparticles: Biomarkers of Disease?
Quadratech is sponsoring a Microparticles Meeting at the University of Leicester Tuesday 21st May 2013 A series of presentations by leading microparticles researchers from the UK and Amsterdam Medical Centre
Article of Interest (Coagulation): Effect of Oral Contraceptive on protein S and TFPI
The effect of different hormonal contraceptives on plasma levels of free protein S and free TFPI. Raps M et al, 2013, Throm Haemost 109(4):[ahead of print] "The effect of oral contraceptives on TFPI and PS is a possible explanation for the increased risk of venous thrombosis associated with oral contraceptives"