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Check-1 CRP Quantitative Rapid Test for Easy Reader+® whole blood 5 Mins x 20 Tests (Special Terms Apply*)


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Check-1 CRP Quantitative Rapid Test for Easy Reader+® whole blood 5 Mins x 20 Tests (Special Terms Apply*) (HS34091-3L) is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the quantitative detection of high SENSITIVE C-reactive protein in whole blood, serum or plasma. Manufactured by VEDALAB.

Product Brand:
Product Code: HS34091-3L Brand:

C-Reactive Protein (CRP) is a non specific, acute-phase reactant used to diagnose bacterial infectious disease and inflammatory disorders, such as acute rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis (1, 2). CRP levels do not consistently rise with viral infections. CRP is an abnormal protein produced primarily by the liver during an acute inflammatory process (3). A positive test result indicates the presence, but not the cause, of an acute inflammatory reaction (4). The synthesis of CRP is initiated by antigen-immune complexes, bacteria, fungi, and trauma.

The CRP test is a more sensitive and rapidly responding indicator than the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (5, 6).
This test is also useful in evaluating patients with an acute myocardial infarction. The level of CRP correlates with peak levels of the MB isoenzyme of creatine kinase, but CRP peaks occur 1 to 3 days later. Failure of CRP to normalise may indicate ongoing damage to the heart tissue. Levels are not elevated in patients with angina.

CRP is classically measured using latex agglutination and nephelometric or turbidimetric methods. CRP-CHECK-1 is a rapid quantitative screening test for the detection of CRP in whole blood samples. Depending on the CRP concentration, different lines will appear in the reading window, allowing the quantitative measurements of CRP in whole blood samples, when used in combination with the Easy Reader® rapid test reader.

Product Specification
Specification Type
Specification Value
Product Range
Product Code
Product Name
Check-1 CRP Quantitative Rapid Test for Easy Reader+® whole blood 5 Mins x 20 Tests (Special Terms Apply*)
Product Category
Product Brand
Product Analyte or Application
Product Size
1 x 20 tests
Product Storage
4°C to 30°C
Product Special Terms
Minimum Order Qty: x 25

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