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Check-1 FOB (Faecal Occult Blood) Quantitative Rapid Test for Easy Reader+® 10mins


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Check-1 FOB (Faecal Occult Blood) Quantitative Rapid Test for Easy Reader+® 10mins (4091-3L) is an immunochromatographic rapid test for the quantitative detection of faecal occult blood (hemoglobin) in faeces. Manufactured by VEDALAB.

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Product Code: 4091-3L Brand:

Colorectal cancer has an annual incidence worldwide of more than 600,000 cases and ranks as the third most common cancer (1). As with all cancers, early detection of lesions increases considerably the survival rate of the patient (2). Among people over 45 years old, 10% have colorectal polyps of which 1% will become malignant (3). Relying on the fact that many polyps larger than 0.5 cm can bleed, fecal occult blood testing appears to be a simple and cheap screening method for colorectal cancer when compared to colonoscopy. Therefore haemoglobin was selected as the marker of choice for faecal occult blood detection. For many years, chemical techniques based on the pseudoperoxidase activity of haemoglobin were used with the drawback of low sensitivity and poor specificity (4).

Immunological methods with improved sensitivity and specificity for human blood are starting to be used in spite of their greater technical complexity when compared to guaiac tests (5). A recent publication suggests that there is a direct correlation between the haemoglobin concentration in faeces and colorectal cancer (6).

The FOB-CHECK-2 test is a quantitative immunochromatographic assay for the detection of fecal occult blood in faeces. The method employs a unique combination of gold conjugate and solid phase monoclonal antibodies to selectively identify human haemoglobin with a high degree of sensitivity and specificity. After faeces sample collection in a specific collection device containing extraction solution, a few drops of the mixture are added to the sample well of the reaction device. As the liquid flows through the absorbent device, the labelled antibody-dye conjugate binds to the haemoglobin antigen (when present in the faeces sample) forming an antibody antigen complex.

Depending on the blood concentration level, different lines of different intensities will appear on the reading window allowing the quantitative measurement of haemoglobin when used in combination with the EASY READER® meter.

Product Specification
Specification Type
Specification Value
Product Range
Product Code
Product Name
Check-1 FOB (Faecal Occult Blood) Quantitative Rapid Test for Easy Reader+® 10mins
Product Category
Product Brand
Product Analyte or Application
Product Size
1 x 20 tests
Product Storage
4°C to 30°C

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