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Flavivirus NS1 Protein Pack (500µg)


We're always working hard to give our customers as much information on products and the best price possible. If you need any assistance or would like a quote please contact us and we will be happy to help

Flavivirus NS1 Protein Pack (500µg) (QTXAG-339-500) is recombinant Flavivirus hexameric NS1 proteins from YFV, JEV, WNV and TBEV produced in mammalian HEK293 human cells at greater than 95% purity. Proteins contain a C-terminal 6x His-tag. Pack of 4 x 100ug.

Product Brand:
Product Code: QTXAG-339-500

The flavivirus NS1 protein pack is perfect for creating an immediate screening capability for antibody cross-reactivity against multiple flavivirus NS1 proteins, all correctly folded and glycosylated to represent the native state. The flavivirus NS1 protein pack represents excellent value, with a 15% discount relative to purchasing each of the NS1 proteins separately.

Each pack contains 1 vial each of YFV-NS1 from strain 17D, WNV-NS1 from strain NY99, JEV-NS1 from strain SA-14 and TBEV-NS1 from strain Neudoerfl. We also have a dengue pack available which contains all four dengue serotypes of NS1.

Product Specification
Specification Type
Specification Value
Product Range
Product Code
Product Name
Flavivirus NS1 Protein Pack (500µg)
Product Category
Product Brand
Product Analyte or Application
Product Size
1 x 500 µg
Product Storage
Long Term: -80°C or below,Short Term: 2°C to 8°C

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