GFC Control Plasmas
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GFC Control Plasmas (SC104K) is a set of control plasmas lyophilized intended for the quality control of the kit GFC-Test in plasma. Manufactured by HYPHEN BioMed.
This kit is for research use only and must not be used for patient diagnosis or treatment.
Fibrinolysis is the mechanism leading to fibrin clot dissolution in order to restore vessel patency or to dissolve a clot following the healing of a vessel injury. It involves various proteins, that act either as inhibitors, delaying clot dissolution, (PAI-1, Alpha-2-antiplasmin, TAFI, HRGP…), or as activators that enable fibrin polymer breakdown (tPA, uPA, plasminogen). Plasminogen plays the central role in that process: after its activation into plasmin by either tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) or urokinase (uPA), it cleaves fibrin polymer.
Hyperfibrinolysis has been associated with mild to severe bleeding tendency, especially during surgery and invasive procedures. It is associated with increased morbidity and mortality.
Hypofibrinolysis is a risk factor for thrombosis and may become a predictive marker of venous thromboembolism and arterial thrombosis.
For use with The Lysis Timer (LT) which is a handheld device, recently optimized by HYPHEN BioMed to evaluate the body’s global fibrinolytic capacity (GFC) in citrated plasma. The GFC/LT method has the advantage to provide results in less than 1 hour and provides better performances than viscoelastic tests.