LDBIO Toxo II IgM (24T)
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LDBIO Toxo II IgM (24T) (T2M-24M) is a single use qualitative test of serological IgM diagnosis by Immunoblot Assay of toxoplasmosis intended for confirmatory testing of a positive or equivocal result obtained through classic screening tests. Kit of 24 tests. CE Marked and manufactured by LDBIO Diagnostics.
Coupled with the use of highly sensitive and specific natural antigens (T. gondii), the LDBIO Toxo II IgM test is perfectly positioned as a confirmatory test for IgG and IgM toxoplasmosis serology, even at very low serological levels.
Each kit is composed of sensitized and precut strips, the ready-to-use liquid reagents, and the positive control serum.