Rabbit Anti-West Nile Virus Envelope Protein Antibody (9E2) (100µg)
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Rabbit Anti-West Nile Virus Envelope Protein Antibody (9E2) (100µg) (QTXAB-278-100) is a rabbit monoclonal antibody (9E2) which binds to protein E, between amino acids 321 and 466, of a range of WNV strains, including Hp-94, Vlg99-27889, A-72, Vlg00-27924, Tur-2914, Eg101 and A-1640. This antibody has been tested in western blot and ELISa on JEV, TBEV, YFV, DENV and Zika envelope proteins, and shown to have no cross-reactivity. Antibody has a neutralizing effect in an in vitro model of WNV.
Rabbit anti-West Nile Virus Envelope protein antibody (9E2) binds to protein E, between amino acids 321 and 466, of a range of WNV strains, and has been tested in Western blot and ELISA on YFV, DENV and Zika Envelope proteins, and shown to have no cross-reactivity. Antibody has a neutralizing effect in an in vitro model of WNV.